MPARTICLE J`phF _/Hy1 e y,V |' Amy PD and Shareware Review will 'hopefully become a useful resource for 'those searching for software within 'the public domain. I intend it to 'remain purely a magazine of reviews &and comment about the Amiga PD world.'I will not be including software on 'the magazine disk and don't intend to 'include advertisements in it in the foreseeable future.' The magazine is produced almost 'entirely by myself except for the 'music which I will be taking from PD 'music disks until I find the time to 'make some myself - assuming I'm able 'to that is. This is in part an 'experiment in seeing how much one 'person can do with good software and a great computer. ' The following is a list of the 'hardware and software I have used to &produce this issue of Amy PD Review.'I'm sure I've missed some but even so 'I was still pretty impressed when I worked it out. HARDWARE #Commodore Amiga A600HD - 2 megs. 40# meg. HD. Workbench 2.05.% RAM expansion by Alfa Data. Commodore Amiga A500 - 1 meg. Workbench 1.3.2. RAM # expansion by Commodore (I think). Commodore 1084S stereo monitor.%Commodore 520 modulator for the A500."Roctec Slim AF332C external floppy disk drive.&Datel Electronics Action Replay mk III! cartridge for the A500. Goldstar 14" television. Pink and black joystick of indeterminate make.#Franklin Computer spelling checker. Magic Stage mouse pad. COMMERCIAL SOFTWARE ' Note that the only Amiga commercial 'software I have used on the mag and 'have bought outright was Turbo Silver '3. The rest either came with the 'Amiga or was purchased as a magazine coverdisk. %Deluxe Paint II from Electronic Arts.# (I know, it's about time I upgraded.) SpectraColor Jr from BazboSoft.$ (Thanks Amiga Format - June 92.)&Turbo Silver 3 ray tracer from Impulse& Inc. (This I want to upgrade% but not until I get a faster Amiga.)"KindWords 3 from The Disk Company.!OctaMED Professional 3 from Teijo$ Kinnunen. (Thanks CU Amiga - June 92)"PowerPacker Professional 3.0b from# Nico Francois. (Thanks CU Amiga - May 92.) SHAREWARE %Magnetic Pages from Mark Gladding of # Auckland, New Zealand used% for compiling this magazine.$ See the About menu for more details. $ FREEWARE & PUBLIC DOMAIN SOFTWARE #AZ by J.M. Forgeas. A text editor.$Snap by Mikael Karlsson. A text and graphics cutter.$FullView by Jonathan Potter. A text and graphics viewer."SuperDuper by Sebastiano Vigna. A floppy disk copier. MandelVroom by Kevin Clague. A& mandelbrot fractal generator.$ViewBoot by NightHacks. A bootblock viewer and installer.!TGR by Peter Edwards. A graphics ripper. $ AND RELEGATED TO THE PAPERWORK... HARDWARE Commodore 64 computer. Commodore 1526 printer.$Commodore 1541 II floppy disk drive."Commodore 1764 256k ram expansion. Wico Command Control Joystick."The Final Cartridge III from H & P computers. SOFTWARE GEOS v2 from Berkley Softworks."Speedscript. (Thank you Compute!s% Gazette For Commodore Vic-20$ And 64 Personal Computers -% January 1984.) Typed in the hex from the magazine - honest! Amy PD Review Info: Page 1 of 3 Index Amy PD Review Info: Page 2 of 3 Index Amy PD Review Info: Page 3 of 3 Index